The Bunker studios logo

The Bunker is a web3-brand founded by the artist Hex and together with Vencintocles, the scientist, they've been pushing the boundaries of digital art with their unique art style and innovative community-driven experiences and events. At the Bunker, our focus is on creating original artwork and stories that resonate with people. We explore and innovate the world of art and digital collectibles in the Blockchain era.

Frames by Hex 04 NFT - FantomInferno - Last mint NFT - FantomCanto do Inferno - To Ape or not to Ape - FantomGimpToonz - Hex 1/1 - FantombitZombies - Gum bitZombie - FantomZombie icon - Zombie Society - Fantom

The Epic Tale Of Zombies, Pixels, And Saints And Sinners

The first collection was released by the bunker in October 2021. Since then we released 3 additional collections, 2 of which were dropped to holders and minters as a token of our appreciation.

Chapter I

Locals of the fantom chain had no time to think when all of a sudden they were surrounded by a horde of 2500 zombies. Luckily the zombies turned out to be rather harmless and were only interested in scrolling on their phones. Inspired by the Underground Comix Movement and 90's cartoons, the goofy and friendly zombies are a glimpse inside the mind of HEX and his view of the world.
Then at the height of the 2021 bull-market we released Tales of Crypto Twitter. A limited and expressive collection airdropped to holders of the Zombie Society collection. The collection features hyperbolic impressions of the creatures found in the depths of Crypto Twitter.
To bring more value to community we then went on to airdrop the bitZombie collection to minters of the zombie society collection. On December 31st 333 bitZombies were dropped, one for every 5 mints. Featuring an exploration of pixel art, the collection pays homage to the most supportive community members. The defining feature of the bitZombies though, is the revenue share they receive. bitZombie holders receive 100% of the secondary sales revenue they generate as well as 50% of the secondary sale revenue of the other Bunker collections. To this day we have distributed over 12K FTM to holders granting it blue chip status on the fantom chain.

Chapter II

Then the year of the bear came; 2022. The Bunker and community didn't care though so we kept doing our thing. In the second halve of the bear-year we revealed our most recent collection; Hex's Inferno, a Degen's Comedy. The collection features the 7 deadly sins as a loose reference to Dante’s Inferno, with traits crafted for each sin specifically. The collection was minted in 21 individual batches, and each of the batches represented a different challenge for people to mint. The few fully public batches were highly contested and to mint you had to be fast and keep your eyes open. Like previous collections, the minters of Inferno were rewarded with a surprise collection titled Cantos do Inferno. This innovative collection featured a different edition for each batch. The Canto's were made just in time and chronicle things that happened from batch to batch.

Hex's Inferno details

Chapter III

These epic chapters were only possible because we are surrounded by epic people. This is why we first came up with the bitZombie revenue share model. bitZombie holders earn a share of the royalties of every Bunker collection. This will also be the case for future projects and allows community members to share in the successes of the Bunker. In addition to the revenue share model we also introduced the Bunker Vault. The vault is a community-owned multisig contract that's funded by part of the royalties as well as donations. We use it to scoop NFTs from both Bunker projects and other pieces from other creators. This is a way we also contribute to other creative minds in the space. Ultimately vault holding are used to give back to the community members trough giveaways and other initiatives.

The Bunker Sketches and work in progress

Chapter IV

The Bunker is only just beginning and the future is bright. There's a number of big things on the planning for 2023, as we aim to solidify the Bunker brand in web3 writ large.

The Team

Hex - the artist behind Zombie Society and the Bunker

Artist / Designer / Developer

With over 10 years of experience as a designer, I've combined my passion for illustration and comics with a keen interest in permissionless systems. When I'm not streaming from the Bunker, you can often find me honing my development skills.

Hex - the artist behind Zombie Society and the Bunker


Twitter icon


Idea Scientist / Planner / Content Curator

Scientist by day, NFT enthusiast always. Vencintocles is the idea generator behind bunker studios, from the game theory behind collections to the wacky names of traits. Creativity in all things strategy plus analytic thinking fueled by data science training.